REVIEW - "From its very outset, this first volume, which tackles money market, FX and other market contracts, gives the view of a pioneer in the industry who was challenged with a blank sheet of paper and asked to create something from the ground up, without any guidance, without a frame of reference and the minimum of support infrastructure. The story that unfolds is very readable."
Chapters include:
Money markets
FX transactions
Using options, forwards, and swaps
Structured deposits
Total return swaps
This is how Islamic Banking really works
In a sector where publications focus on theory, the Islamic Banking in Practice series concentrates solely on market practice.
The evolution of principles into practice is explained clearly and concisely. How is a simple sale of metal used to deliver a total return swap? The reader is guided, step-by-step, as to how financial institutions create products, whilst ensuring compliance with Islamic commercial law.
Written by a globally recognised practitioner and expert, structuring and transactions are presented and explained in detail, covering:
Islamic Banking in Practice - Volume 1

Chapter headings include
Common Sukuk structures
Ijara, Musharakah, Mudarabah, Wakala, Murabaha
Project finance
Equity linked / Exchangeable
Shariah compliance
AAOIFI developments
Credit rating
The issue of a "True Sale"
Sukuks, sometimes referred to as the Islamic version of bonds, are one the most visible products in islamic banking and finance, and with a global reach.
This volume will explain why Sukuks were created, and how they work. The different structures of Sukuk will be explained, and reinforced through detailed analysis of market transactions.
Areas covered include
Issuance process
Asset injection
Risk management
Shariah compliance